Sorry I haven't written in a while. Jack hasn't run off, so there is nothing to write about there. Mom hasn't gone to the doctor lately, so really nothing there either.
Mom has been having a hard time lately with the bed rest. She says she is getting this thing called nesting too. I think that means she needs to clean or something. But she can't do it and it is killing her. She's been really emotional lately too. Maybe that is just the fact that she is pregnant, that's what Dad says anyway. She's just not herself. Summer time is her time off and to do things she loves to do. But I keep reminding her that she has my sister in her and she needs to keep her safe for a little while longer. I keep Mom in her chair when she lets me sit with her.
Jack has been staying in the yard. That collar of his is really SHOCKING! HA HA. But I like having him around more. We like to play and chase each other around the house and Mom and Dad egg us on quite a bit. Then they laugh at us. I'm glad we can entertain them. When we are inside, we just sleep near Mom and make sure she stays put! Mom has been picking on Jack lately. She tickles him under his arm and he kicks her. Then looks at her funny.
I also have a couple of cats for siblings. They both stay outside since Mom is pregnant, but I think they like it. This picture below is TJ (Tiger Junior). He is kind of funny and thinks he is hot stuff. That box he is laying in is a bit small for him, but he lays in it anyway. He likes boxes. He'll lay in Dad's beer boxes and Dad will push him around like he is on a carnival ride. He seems to enjoy it.
Like I said not much going on here. Mom heads to the doctor next week and gets to see my little sister on the doctor's TV again. Hopefully she will bring some pictures back and some good news that her placenta has moved away from her cervix. I want to see how big she is getting. Mom is 24 weeks along now, so over half way. Hopefully she can stay sane for all of us a little longer!!!!