Wednesday, May 20, 2009


by Cora

Mom woke up this morning saying that she was going to have a great day!!!!! She talked about starting a new project! Which one I have no idea. Mom and Dad are almost done with the crib, so I think she feels good after doing a little something and accomplishing something, that she is ready to tackle a new project. So many choices though.

Mom's friend from Houston sends here little things here and there and here are a few. Some I think are to be funny, because they won't take Mom long at all, and another one!!! Well let's hope mom remembers how to count!

That's okay, because Mom has a project for her friend when they come to visit. Hopefully they are coming this weekend. I'm excited to see her again, but I'm more excited, because she is bringing my boyfriend this time!!!! OOH LA LA!

Well Grandma Jo, you'd be proud, because she has moved the cross-stitching towel from the back of her chair!!!! That's a start I guess. She even talked about getting the keyboard out to play for Baby Renee. Speaking of her..... here are some of Mom and Dad's pictures of her!! The full body shot is at 20 weeks and the head shot is at 25 weeks.
She is going to be my beautiful little sister!! I can't wait!!! Well love you all!