Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grandparent's Day

It is Catholic Schools week, at the school I teach and coach at! Each day of the week we honor a different person for Catholic School's week and today was Grandparent's Day!!! I have been so busy and so caught up in the politics and work at school, that I forgot to really be grateful and thankful for the people in my life this week!

One of my 7th graders asked me today,"Coach Freddie, are your grandparents coming to the assembly?" I took and deep breathe and said, "Well Ali, they are with us here everyday!" Right there I took the time to remember the past when I would walk into the farm house and yell, "HELLO GORGEOUS!" And it never failed that my Grandmother would tell me to get my eyes checked. Or when Grandpa would ACCIDENTALLY turn one of the dice over when he thought we weren't looking just to get himself a few more points! I shared some of my very fond memories with my student Ali and then thought about how this conversation will happen when Renee gets to be this age (12) and I know that both grandparents will be there for her.

So a big thank you to all of you Grandparents out there, we love you and appreciate everything you do!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I just joined my sister's blog group of "Being Accountable". I had a beautiful little girl in July and had been on Bed rest since Feb 2009 up until I had her! See, I ate better during the pregnancy than I do now. The only motivation I had at that time was to keep my beautiful baby and myself healthy for this pregnancy since we had lost one not too long before! Now I can use my sister, who is 1500 miles away, as motivation to move and eat better!

I titled my blog motivation, because I have a lack of it at this moment! No motivation to do my job at my best, and no motivation to help myself feel better about the way I look. This in turn hurts my students and my players. I am a coach and Basketball is the longest season I know. I have been trying and trying to motivate my players to work hard, play hard and be successful. See, I didn't say win, because that is not what we need, well we need some wins, but In order for my girls to feel successful right now we need to just play hard ALL 4 quarters.

I've questioned if they are getting everything they need as far as assistant has been going over fundamentals since last June, if we are running the correct plays or if they are too hard........ but it is the basic plays that we can add more too, or if they just don't want to work for me! I lost a lot of my confidence in my coaching ability since I was out for so long, but I need some Motivation to get that back!

So any ideas on how to Motivate 16 very different young ladies to play their hardest for the last 7 games would be great!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Everyone keeps telling me about the blow outs when the kids start teething! I didn't really know what to think, but now I do!!! It has been 2 mornings in a row where my cute little girl has blown out her diaper, from the side, front and the back. I was fortunate enough to be gone for the first one and left Floyd to tend to her diaper and dirty clothes, but not this morning!

I was on the computer getting my practice plans ready for this morning's basketball practice when all I hear from the other room is "BABY". So I got up to see the problem. Floyd had her in her room and stripped down ready to change the diaper, but didn't quite know what to do with her and her clothes!!!! He suggested to just put her in the tub and bather her AGAIN! Great idea, but we definitely have to soak her clothes in some water and wash them right away!!!
Well as soon as Renee heard "BATH" a big grin came across her face and she was so excited! She better not get any ideas and start pooing everywhere just to take a bath, but you never know!

Is there anything else anyone can warn us about? I'll definitely take people more seriously and be prepared the best I can!