Tuesday Dec. 8th at 12:30 am I woke up, because I knew that something was wrong. I checked on my baby girl and my husband, who falls asleep in his chair every night before coming to bed, then I checked outside. See it had been raining since Sunday night and when we get a lot of rain our property floods, and I don't mean SOME water in the yard, 2 feet of water in our yard our house looks like a house boat in the middle of a pond! Anyway, I looked out the back door and the water was up to the 2nd step and I knew that my car had water in it all ready.
After waking my husband up, I went out and tried to catch things before they started to float away. My husband's rubber boots had all ready disappeared, but mine were floating by the house. The water was about 2 inches from my knees, past the bottom of my car doors and almost to the step sides of the company truck. We decided to get our daughter out of there and went across the road to the neighbors house, which had a little standing water in the yard. They welcomed us in with open arms and my husband started working on getting the car out of the water.
Luckily it started fine, but there was about 8 inches of water INSIDE the car. Soaked in the seats and carpet and damaged a module for the electric system that was located under the carpet. Thankfully that was all that happened. The house is fine and we may have lost a few things that were under the water in our shed, but we have our family and our belongings in the house!!!! Just got to remember that it could always be worse!!!!!If anyone knows how to go about lifting a house and property, could you please give us an idea on where to start?
Happy Holidays!