Monday, December 21, 2009

My first Christmas!

by, Renee

Jesus' birthday is coming up, that's what mommy says! We celebrated Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's here in Louisiana yesterday and I got presents. Mommy will have to explain to me why I get presents when it is Jesus' birthday, but I'll take 'em!!!!!Down south, it is a tradition to shoot off fire works for Christmas and I got to experience it. I jumped once, but Mommy had me so bundled up that I fell asleep through most of them. The lights were pretty as far as I can remember! We had fun at Grandma Sandra and Grandpa Hoa's house! I got to play with all of my aunts and uncles and cousins.
My new cousin Trae'lyn

My next Christmas adventure is flying in an airplane to Minnesota. Mommy has told me lots of stories about living up there. She says it is really cold, but it can't be that bad. knowing her, she will have me so bundled up I might be able to see!!!!! Well I can't wait to see and meet everyone up north!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My car is home!

This is what our house looks like after a hard rain!!!!! Is it a house boat? Maybe we need pontoons!!!!!

Tuesday Dec. 8th at 12:30 am I woke up, because I knew that something was wrong. I checked on my baby girl and my husband, who falls asleep in his chair every night before coming to bed, then I checked outside. See it had been raining since Sunday night and when we get a lot of rain our property floods, and I don't mean SOME water in the yard, 2 feet of water in our yard our house looks like a house boat in the middle of a pond! Anyway, I looked out the back door and the water was up to the 2nd step and I knew that my car had water in it all ready.
After waking my husband up, I went out and tried to catch things before they started to float away. My husband's rubber boots had all ready disappeared, but mine were floating by the house. The water was about 2 inches from my knees, past the bottom of my car doors and almost to the step sides of the company truck. We decided to get our daughter out of there and went across the road to the neighbors house, which had a little standing water in the yard. They welcomed us in with open arms and my husband started working on getting the car out of the water.
Luckily it started fine, but there was about 8 inches of water INSIDE the car. Soaked in the seats and carpet and damaged a module for the electric system that was located under the carpet. Thankfully that was all that happened. The house is fine and we may have lost a few things that were under the water in our shed, but we have our family and our belongings in the house!!!! Just got to remember that it could always be worse!!!!!
If anyone knows how to go about lifting a house and property, could you please give us an idea on where to start?

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Holidays

So many new things and this year will be the most fun, because it is all new for our little girl Renee. She is 5 months old tomorrow and we celebrated her first Thanksgiving with her Grandparents here in Louisiana and other relatives, and we will be heading to Northern Minnesota for Christmas.

Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays, because of the great food. Since I've been with my husband, I have spent Thanksgiving with his family and it is a different type of food down here. To tell you the truth, I LOVE IT. I eat raw and grilled oysters, stuffed pork chops, rice (instead of potatoes) and gravy, and many other foods. Floyd's daddy gets the best liquor out and we celebrate all of the things we are thankful for!!!! Renee didn't get to taste the foods this year, but she definitely celebrated with us, napped with us and laughed with us!!!!!

One thing I have wanted to do since she was born was take a picture of her and her Great Grandpa. He was 99 on July 2nd and Renee was born. He is the cutest little Vietnamese man and he knows "Hi, and thank you" in English. He also knows that I will always give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Happy Holidays to all and we are so looking forward to coming up north for Christmas!

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Holidays

Thanksgiving and Christmas are 2 of my most favorite Holidays. It is a great time to reflect on things that you are grateful for, things that have made you the person you are, and people you know you can't live without! These are also some of the most stressful times of year, especially for a coach!!!!!

Every year, my school, or I, host the Thanksgiving Girl's Basketball Tournament and I keep hoping that every year the preparation and stressing about everything getting done diminishes even a smidgen. BUT, it doesn't! Concession stand, hospitality room, gate workers, score keeper, book person, along with coaching your own team and many other things to get started! A person tries so hard to get everything done WELL before the event is to take place, but there is always something that I always forget about. Then I have to deal with people not wanting to volunteer their time, a couple of hours, on their days off! I totally understand, but as a coach we teach, coach and are still asked to work when we are off. So if anyone sees this and is a classroom teacher, please, PLEASE, help us coaches out and volunteer when we need some assistance!!!!!

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and be thankful for what you have!

Love and God Bless

Monday, September 7, 2009

It has been a while!

by Cora

It has been a while since I've been on to write. There have been so many things to write about, but i haven't been in the mood. My little sister came home, you would think that would be reason enough, but she makes all of these noises and she kind of smells, so I've had this migrane and have been keeping my distance.

I'm starting to get used to her, but my house will never be the same! Mom playes with Jack and I , but she is very busy with my little sister. She tells me that she needs a lot of attention, because she can't do anything for herself, but I can't wait until she can, so I can sit with mom in the big chair again! I miss those days!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rooming in!

by Jessica

Well we got the call at 12:30 on the 11th from the nurse that we will be rooming in tonight!!! Meaning we will be staying at the hospital, our first night alone with our little girl and the nurses on hand if we need them!

Nothing too different than what I'm used to, except wanting to check on her every time she squeaks or grunts to make sure that she is breathing!

Floyd fell asleep soon after getting into the room and him taking his time with our daughter.

Renee sleeps in between all of her feedings and so far has been very receptive to us! I've noticed her smiling as she wakes up to our voices and I know she is ready to come home! And yes Mom that is the quilt you made her!!!!

The doctor is sending her home with an apnea monitor, because her lunges just don't take enough air in when she is sleeping! It is very loud, so I will definitely hear it when I'm sleeping!

Now we are just waiting for the doctor to do rounds and discharge us! The nurses are all excited that we get to take her home, and many have stopped by to say good bye to Renee!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sister is finally coming home!

by Corah

Mom came home tonight from the hospital beaming with joy!!!! She told us that we would be meeting our sister this week. They took the feeding tube out and are now feeding her with the bottle or by Mom nursing her! So no wires or tape on her face anymore!
We are so excited and can't wait to meet her! Jack I'm sure will just lick her all the time! He is a clean freak, I think that is called OCD. He is either licking his paws cause he is bored, but when there is a baby around, his tongue does not stop and that is all he wants to do is lick them.

I can't wait to meet her!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So many wonderful feelings!

by Jessica

Renee is doing better everyday! 4 lbs 4.2 oz. Moving to an open crib as we speak. She had a few apnea episodes, but still a lot fewer than normal! But isn't she beautiful!

Renee will be coming home soon and I don't know if I have everything I need!!!!!!!! I think I do, but doing this for the first time is scary and exciting all at the same time! She is so fragile and hopefully she won't be coming home with a monitor! But if we do, I'll be wide awake and ready for anything, I hope!

Feelings of SADNESS
Grandma Jo and Nanny Leah will be leaving us this morning. Their stay was short, but they were here for such big steps. Makes me sad sometimes to think of how far away they are, but technology today is amazing and I know Grandma Jo will be getting a web cam here soon! Sadness also because I have to leave this beautiful little girl everyday. I know she is in good hands!

Feelings of JOY
I'M A MOM!!!!!
What else can I say!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

God Works in Mysterious Ways!!!!!

by Cora

Mom always says that God works in mysterious ways. Either by the love of family, that is including animals, or just by people doing good deeds!!!!!! Mom and Dad have been through a lot in the past year, and Mom would say she has gotten through all of it because of everyone around her!!!!

First when Mom miscarried Drew, my little brother! Ironic enough, my Aunt Leah, Uncle Steve and Cousin Amanda were coming to visit for a week in October and God must have known that Mom would need some family at that time! They arrived a day before everything happened. Mom always says that it happened for a reason and that God knew that she needed her big sister in that time of grieving! It also brought them closer, making it an easy decision, when Mom and Dad were going to have their next baby, that Aunt Leah would become that God Mother, or Nanny here in Louisiana!

Next was when Mom found out she was pregnant again and that she would have to be on a long bed rest!!!! 6 months! Grandma Jo came down to help Mom and Dad out!!!!! 2 different times!!!! Thank God she is retired!!!!

During that time of bed rest and many hospital visits and stays, many friends came to help, and visit when Mom was bored and down in the dumps!!!!

Now, we have a little sister and she is still pretty sick, so she has to stay in the hospital!!!!! Grandma Sandra has been here to help Mom with her recovery and drive her around when she hasn't been able too.

Mom has been worried about a lot of things now with Renee being born 2 months early, if she will be able to afford to stay home with Renee for a few weeks when they release her from NICU, and God answered Mom's prayers again!!!! My Great Uncle and Aunt have been so generous and caring to help out and Mom has been in tears the past 2 days, because of their generosity.

She is overwhelmed and so so thankful for the love of family and friends!!! This letter is a big thank you to all of you who have been there for our family!!!! Mom and Dad are so appreciative and grateful, as am I and Jack to have you in our lives!!!!!! I wish I could BARK it from the roof tops, but Mom won't let me get up there and I don't really like to bark, so I'll just write it here!!!!!!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mom's homecoming!

by Cora

MOM IS HOME!!!!!!!
I can't believe it. She is finally home, and it seems like she is home for good, but it is kinds of different. She is getting around really slowly, and she seems to be getting out of the chair and actually doing some house work. She keeps telling me that we will soon be meeting our new sister, but I thought she had to keep still for another 2 months. Jack keeps saying Mom is getting skinnier, but she still has a belly. Looks like something should be in there. She won't let me sit with her right now though. Says she is sore and can't have anything by her belly.
I just wish she could tell me what is going on, but it is nice to have her home safe and sound, so I can keep an eye on her!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Renee Arvilla (July 2nd)

by Jessica
Where to start........ Well I'll pick up where I left off from last week.

We were sent home on Sunday morning. Cora and Jack were so excited for me to be home, they couldn't contain themselves. I think Cora ran into the door of her room trying to get to me when I called her name. Poor baby, missed her Mommy. Well I was home for a few hours, and then started bleeding again! Can't catch a break. Third strike, or time going to the hospital, and I'm in for the long hall. Little did we know!

Everything was going well, I was stable with a few high blood pressures here and there, but nothing alarming until Wednesday evening. Amanda, Red, and Rhodes were coming over for a big dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs with lemon merague pie!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM So we were looking forward to a nice dinner with friends!

I took my showerat 3 and my blood pressure is a little high, since I've been up and about, but we took it again 30 min.s later and it was higher yet 177/96, then again 15 min.s later it was 197/107. SCARY! So they took action fast and put me on some magnesium sulfate and gave me a catheder. Not very comfortable, but before they put that in, I had to go to the bathroom and empty my bowls. Being so nervous, they emptied quickly.

Doctor came in and told us that we were going to have a baby tomorrow July 2nd!!!!!!! Here she is long anticipated and awaiting her arrival!!!!! Renee Arvilla Frederick born 9:30am, July 2nd, weighing 3 pounds 13 ounces and is 16 and 3/4 inches long!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

More Complications

by Jessica

Well, where to start. Wednesday, June 24th was a normal day and turning out to be a great evening. Floyd made plans to have a close friend and his fiance over for grilling and to watch the LSU baseball team beat Texas Longhorns for the NCAA championship. Food was smelling great, Lacie and I were have a great conversation, and I took a potty break and then it all went wrong.

Started bleeding and called the hospital right away. Floyd started packing and Lacie and Reggie helped by cleaning up the food and stuff. Well 20 minutes passed and no call from the on call doctor, so I called again and they transfered me to the nurses station. They supposedly told me to go to New Iberia emergency room, but I missed that, so we headed to Lafayette, 30 mins away. I started getting nervous because I had heard the nurse telling someone in the background that I was going to New Iberia, so called again on the way and that nurse told me to come to Lafayette. So now I'm starting to worry about Renee and making sure that I feel her move.

Got to the hospital and started checking in and I was looking at the pictures on the bulletin board and thinking this woman needs to hurry up!!!!!! So I kept looking and trying really hard to feel Renee move, but then while searching pictures I noticed a red cardinal sitting on top of the bulletin board and I knew she was okay!!!! Grandma is everywhere!

So it is Saturday and I'm here until tomorrow or Monday. Bleeding has stopped and no more contractions, but I had high blood pressure when I got there, so they tested me for preeclampsia and I have a mild case of that now too!!!!! WHAT ELSE? So now we will be visiting the Dr. 2 times per week and hope that the placenta previa moves more and the preeclamsia doesn't get any worse. I will definitely have her the beginning of Aug though, and if she is healthy, then I'm okay with that! So Grandpa Steve, be ready for a great birthday present!!!

I've had a few visitors and Floyd has stayed every night. I think Grandpa is with me too, because I happen to pick the flying pig when I play monopoly on pogo game network, and most of the time we win. Really big too! Grandpa would be here playing games to keep me occupied and laughing.

Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, and only 5 to 6 more weeks of boredom, and I do hope it is that long!!!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

by Jessica

Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful men in my life!!!!

One very special Father's Day to my husband, a father to be. I'm so excited and can't wait to see him interact with our baby girl. As I watch him interact with our friends' kids, I see how much joy it gives him, and with me being so emotional and pregnant right now, I could just cry with Joy, cause I KNOW he is going to be the best father he can to our little Renee.

Vernie....... Thank you for always being there and cheering me on! I don't ever remember a time that you missed a volleyball or a basketball game, and I know there are so many pig shows and horse shows that you were at. I know who my biggest fans are!!!! I love you tons.

Now Dad....... You are sometimes a man of few words, but you always new what to say and when to say it!!! He kept his mouth clean when scolding me on the discovery of my belly-button ring, which was outed by my 3 year old niece. Or the time when we were traveling to the tree nursery for work and both singing "Take this job and Shove It". Next one was the last thing he said to me when I was packed and ready to get on the road for Texas, "I'm not worried about your moving, I'm worried about you and spending Money", is what he said. Now, he is making sure that I'm keeping still and in my chair so he can see his new grand daughter, Renee!

Thank you for everything Dad, Vern and Floyd, you are going to be the best, I just know it!

Love you all!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


by Cora

I know Mom would want me to write this, so here it goes. This is a big THANK YOU to all that have helped our family through this tough time!!!! Mom has been on bed rest since Feb 16th and lately it has been strict. After her incident and almost going into premature labor or having to have an emergency c-section, the doctor said no more going anywhere, or doing house work!!!! She is able to use the bathroom, thank God!

Well Grandma Jo came to help out when Mom first went on bed rest in Feb. and was a great big help. She made sure that Mom didn't do much of anything, and she also found great deals with some of our neighbors ladies at garage sales. Grandma stayed with us for about 2 months. After she left, Mom had many friends come over and Grandma Sandra came to help as well. Aunt Holly would come over often and chauffer Mom around to get groceries and run errands for school, or even just go to the bank and post office. Rami has been here 2 times and has helped mom with errands as well as doing Mom's toe nails, since she really can't reach her toes anymore!!!! Amanda brings Jack's girlfriend, Tina, over quite often to visit and let us all play. Uncle Peter also comes over to give us our baths!

After Mom's hospital visits the first week of June, Dad and Mom decided to ask Grandma Jo to come back if she could. It was quite a scare and now Mom is doing really well with me and Jack's help keeping her butt in the chair. Grandma Sandra has been over often to visit and help around the house, and Grandma Jo just left this morning. Dad comes home during lunch to be with Mom, and our neighbor lady Miss Barbara comes over often to visit and help out when ever Mom needs it!!!

So a big thank you to all of you who have been here. I apologize for those that I have missed. You are greatly appreciated and we all love you!!!

From the Frederick house hold!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To the Love of my life!!!!

Dear Floyd,

We have been married, 3 years today. Someone told me recently that in those short, feels like forever sometimes, 3 years we have been through things that people never go through in a lifetime !!!!

Your deployment to Africa was the first obstacle..... You had to go about a month after the wedding and were gone a total of 9 months. People go through this everyday, and I always thought it could be worse!!!! With my friends, family and your family, we made it and actually realized the love we had could make it through anything!!!!

Next was the loss of our little boy!!! We were so fortunate to start talking about getting pregnant and BAM, it happened so fast I think we both went HOLY CRAP! (that is in good terms) And just like that he was taken from us. No warning! But we worked together, again with the support of family and friends and made it through.

Now, probably our biggest challenge, being pregnant again with many complications! Our little girl will be blessed with our love and support, and I can't wait!

Through all of this I have come to learn how much I depend on you, and for me that is hard to say, because I am so independent! You are my rock and I knew it on our first date, that you were the perfect one for me!!!! I love you so much and can't wait to pass up Grandma and Grandpa Nilson's 67 years!!!!!

Yours always,


Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Doctor visit!

by Cora

Today Grandma Jo and Uncle Peter took Jack and I to the doctor! We were so excited when mom asked us if we wanted to go for a ride. I thought at first.....well you can't take us Mom, but duh she wasn't. Mom gave Grandma Jo a list of things for the doctor to check on us. Jack weighs 61 pounds....TUBBY, and I weigh 84 pounds, which is less than last year!!! Yeah, you know how a girl's gotta watch her weight. They stuck that thing up our butts and stuff in our ears, but we just had to sit there.

Oh yeah, while in the waiting room, two people were gawking over Jack and how pretty he was. They couldn't believe he had 2 different colored eyes either! That's all right, I've had my share of gawking and Mom loves on me enough, I don't need the satisfaction of strangers telling me I'm beautiful.

Anyway, the list. Jack chews on his back paws and Mom wanted the doctor to check that out! Doctor said he has a fetish and nothing was wrong!!! My list, on the other hand, was a bit longer. The doctor checked my hips, and Grandma Jo was calling Mom. I couldn't figure out why she had to call her, but then I remembered when Mom was talking to the doctor about my episode or seizure. Well I over heard him tell her that I have a heart murmur. Then I was worried about Mom, because that is not something she needs to be thinking about right now. He also told her that I shouldn't be running around and getting over heated until they can really take a look at my heart and see if it is really that bad. So NO FRISBEE!!!!! That makes me sad. Dad just bought me some new ones!!! Oh yeah and I have an infection on my paw, nothing to worry about, Mom just has to put this spray stuff on it!

So now I have to lay low with Mom until I get my x-ray and blood work done! Hopefully Mom doesn't get sick of me laying with her all of the time!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mom's appointment!!!!!

by Cora

"Everything looks good", Mom says as she walks into the door and as her hip gives out! She is just not having the best pregnancy, but she would disagree, because she loves to sit in her chair or in bed at night and just watch Renee roll around and move! Mom has a bad back from a previous back injury when she was a little girl, so her hip used to do that before she got pregnant! She is ready for a good massage and chiropractic visit! But all that matters to her and us right now is that Baby Renee is doing great and Mom isn't in a lot of pain! Seems that the kidney stones either dissolved or she passed them as sand and couldn't catch them in the strainer!

Grandma Jo brought some Minnesota Twins baseball caps for Dr. Hill. He is a big baseball fan and asks mom about baseball all of the time. I think Mom just looks up what is going on before she goes in to the doctor's office just to help make small talk with him! But Grandma brought them and Dr. Hill loved them.

Baby Renee's' heart rate was ranging in the 130s and 140s yesterday and Mom's belly is definitely getting bigger! We are happy that everything is going great, now we can all relax for a while and definitely keep Mom in her chair!!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I wish THEY could read my mind!!!!

by Cora

Well yesterday, what a day..... of really no news and big events!!!! Mom has been giving me these ear drops, but I just don't like them, but when she brings the treats out I'll lay on one side, to get the drops and then I'll switch to the other side!!!!! It's not that bad, I guess, but yesterday, I wanted the ice in her glass!!!!!! Mom couldn't figure it out. She would lift her glass to drink and I could hear that cold ice sliding down the glass to Mom's mouth. MMMMMMM...... there is something about this Ice too that is so tasty. It is sweet! Must be because Mom is having sweet sun tea that Grandma Jo made the other day! Finally she gets what I want, I don't care about the Pupperoni treats, or the Greenies right now, all I want is that piece of ice!!!!!

We did get some company last night, and Jack was in seventh heaven as his little girls friend came to play with him. Jack even let Tina chew on his rawhide!!!! He never shares with me!!!! It bugs me so much though, because they just chase each other around the living room furniture .........and I always seem to be in the way, so I went and layed in the big chair with Mom. Baby Renee wouldn't let me fall asleep. She kept kicking me in the head! so I moved down in the chair, now this chair is big, cause I'm a big dog and Grandma called me a horse. Well i got a little restless and my hips have been hurting me, so I wanted to get up, but I didn't want to put weight on my back legs, just let them rest for a little while.

Well I understand that Mom knows me better than anyone else does. She just can't get me what I need right now, so I don't bug her anymore when I'm hungry, thirsty or have to go outside. So I bug Grandma Jo, Amanda (Mom's friend), or Dad, but they REALLY don't know my looks!!!!

I can't wait for Mom to get better, so she can help me more!!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Funny Stories!

By Cora

Well as most of you know Mom and Grandma Jo watched a really funny movie last night. "New In Town". I think it just reminded them of funny things they! Well it had to be funny, because I'm sure the neighbors could hear Grandma Jo laughing out loud. Mom told me stories of how she would be on the bench for basketball games and Grandma would start laughing and everyone on the bench would look at Mom. Grandma was on the other side of a really big gym!!!!!

Anyway, they've been telling funny stories and laughing this morning and I thought I'd tell a funny story about Mom.

Mom has the same problem as Grandma Jo, or so she says, with holding on to her car keys when she leaves her car and locks it. So yeah she locks her keys in her car often. She did it when she was here at home and come to find out that her extra house key was in the locked car too, so Mom had to break into the house. That isn't the first time she has had to break into the house either......

While Mom and I were in Texas, before she was married to Dad, Mom flushed her keys down a toilet!!!!! I know, how in the hell do you do that? Anyway, Mom and a couple of friends were driving around looking for rental houses so Mom and Dad could get a house together! They had to stop at a gas station and Mom had to go pee! Well it was a new gas sation with the new toilelts that suck like a airplane toilet! Mom was going to flush and had her keys in her had. While she was flushing the keys fell into the toilet and she tried.... "NOOOOOO" grab them. It was her car key, romote unlock, and house key that went down the into the sewer. As mom left the bathroom, I'm sure as embarased and red as could be, she waited for everyone to leave the store, but had her friend Stacey stay back. Once everyone was gone, she asked the cashier if they had a plunger, cause she had flushed her keys down the toilet. Well they had one, but it was ripped! Those darn toilets did a number on the plunger!!!! Needless to say, Mom, Stacey and Rami were stuck at the gas station!

Mom called our neighbor, who happened to be home. He came a got Mom and brought her to the house. Now remember, the house keys were on the key ring in the sewer too! Mom broke into the garage door and into the house and got her last set of car keys! The Neighbor took her back and Rami, Stacey and Mom were off again shopping for rental homes. Mom did leave the cashier her name and number and said, "Just in case SOMETHING comes up! No pun intended!"

Well Mom's older sister Leah gave her a nice gag gift for christmas.....a floatable key ring!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What is next!

By Cora

What else does Mom have to go through? I knew something was going on with her and I was trying to tell her, but she just can't read my mind! Yesterday was her 30th birthday and her phone was ringing off the hook and she was receiving text messages and facebook messages, but I could tell Mom was hurting. Jack and I sat with her, trying to comfort her, but the pain wasn't going away. She wouldn't tell anyone she was in pain either. Grandma Jo gave her a back rub and that didn't seem to help. Mom laid on the floor with a ball under her back to relieve some pressure and even iced her back thinking it was muscle pain from being uncomfortable, but that didn't work either. Mom used the bathroom and came out with her back and abdomen hurting so bad she could barely stand. I was so scared........

Mom called her doctor and Dad and they headed to the hospital again! They packed everything this time, just in case she had to stay again. Lucky for Jack and I, Mom came home with Dad and Grandma Jo. They found out that she has kidney stones. Mom has been in so much pain, but it wasn't affecting Baby Renee, so that was a big relief. Now Mom has to wait to pass the stones, and has some pain medicine.

Grandma Jo got and ice cream cake and we had a few visitors for Mom's birthday!

We are so glad that Mom is home again, and we'll keep her in her chair and comfortable!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We miss our Momma

by Cora and Jack

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Jack asked me, "Why the sad face"? So I told him something must be wrong for Mom and Dad to leave us this early in the morning without letting us out to potty and puting us in our room! They both looked kind of scared and I've never seen Dad get out of bed that fast before. Mom usually has to shake him and really makes sure he is awake so he remembers what is going on!

"Cora let me write!"

Thank you, she always hogs the computer. Mom and Dad don't know, but I can open this kennel and use the computer all day..... But thank God I know how to close it properly too. Cora must have been right, because they didn't come home. Well Mom didn't anyway. Grandma and Grandpa Tran and Uncle P came over to let us out and that was after 12 noon. Grandpa Tran can't believe how well we listen. He told us to go use (that is... go to the bathroom Cajun style) and of course we had to go, we hadn't been outside since Sunday night. Anyway..... "Cora leave me alone!!!"

Okay Cora here I put Jack back in his kennel cause sounds like Mom and Dad just pulled in!!! I think it is around 6:00pm. Just turned out to be Dad, but I know he'll give us the scoop on Mom.

He didn't seem as nervous as he did this morning, but he gave a lot of info. Mom has to stay in the hospital for awhile, because they don't want Baby Renee to come this early. Mom was bleeding quite a bit and they found some contractions when she got the hospital and gave her lots of drugs to get rid of the contractions and also a steroid to speed up the development of Renee's little lungs. Dad did say that Mom and Baby Renee are doing great, so that was nice to here and that the bleeding had slowed down and maybe even stopped, and contractions were gone. Then Mom called Dad and gave him a list of things to bring to her, so I guess she is going to be there a while. Oh, yeah Dad said probably for a few days, to make sure everything is okay. Mom Made sure that Dad fed us before he left too!!! I miss her all ready. So I guess we are stuck in our room for the next couple of days. Maybe Grandma Jo will come stay with us again!! I don't know, but as far as I know. Mom and Baby Renee are doing very well and I know that they are in good hands. I just wish I could be there with her to make sure she wasn't sad or scared!!!!

We love you Mom and miss you! Come home soon, but make sure you and Baby Renee are safe!

Love you, Cora and Jack

Monday, May 25, 2009

Baby Renee's room!

by Cora is done. Maybe a some deep cleaning of the carpet to be done when Grandma Jo and Aunt Leah come in July, but with the help of many, the room is put together!

Mom is really excited and now can maybe relax and worry about school stuff. Jack and I love the room, but we know that we can only go in there when Mom tells us to! I told her I needed some pictures, so she let us go in there today, but I think that might be the only time!!! So here is a tour of the baby's room! Hope you all enjoy and can't wait until my little sister arrives!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memories that last forever!

by Cora and Jack's Mom

I sometimes ask myself if I made the right decision moving away from where I grew up. Today, that sticks in my mind. The farm that I once new in Northern Minnesota changed very drastically today. A house that I ran to from the bus will no longer be there. My mom was still at work and my dad was out in the barn doing chores or grinding feed with Grandpa; Grandma in the house making carmel rolls or canning vegetables from the garden. I knew I always had something to do rather than my homework, so of course I was going over there!

It has been empty for a little over a year now, and coming home to visit was hard while the farm house was empty. Knowing how hard it is for me, I can't imagine how hard it is for those that grew up living in it. I lived across the driveway, but I guess it is the many trips into the cellar, giving Prudance a bath in the big tub upstairs, spending the night when my cousins were in town, and all of the family gatherings that grew and grew through the years in that house.

Maybe it is the fact that I have a lot of time to think right now being on bed rest, but missing family in times like this seems appropriate. Many people ask me why I moved so far away, but I've always been one to drag Mom and Dad around to see different things. Dad told me before I left, "I'm not worried about you moving away, but I am worried about you and spending money"! Maybe that is what all Dad's are worried about with their little girls. Mom taught me one very important lesson for my travels and that is " I have never met a stranger"! Whether that is safe or not, it has never steered me wrong. I can say I have friends and family all over the world and I'm very grateful for that. And don't get me wrong...... if I wouldn't have left, I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband and would not be sitting here all day waiting for this baby to grow and be a big part of our lives. So I tell everyone who asks.... I miss my family so very much, but I'm here because of them, and they made me a strong and independent woman!

So thank you for all of the memories and many more to come!!!

In memory of the Nilson farm house!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


by Cora

Mom woke up this morning saying that she was going to have a great day!!!!! She talked about starting a new project! Which one I have no idea. Mom and Dad are almost done with the crib, so I think she feels good after doing a little something and accomplishing something, that she is ready to tackle a new project. So many choices though.

Mom's friend from Houston sends here little things here and there and here are a few. Some I think are to be funny, because they won't take Mom long at all, and another one!!! Well let's hope mom remembers how to count!

That's okay, because Mom has a project for her friend when they come to visit. Hopefully they are coming this weekend. I'm excited to see her again, but I'm more excited, because she is bringing my boyfriend this time!!!! OOH LA LA!

Well Grandma Jo, you'd be proud, because she has moved the cross-stitching towel from the back of her chair!!!! That's a start I guess. She even talked about getting the keyboard out to play for Baby Renee. Speaking of her..... here are some of Mom and Dad's pictures of her!! The full body shot is at 20 weeks and the head shot is at 25 weeks.
She is going to be my beautiful little sister!! I can't wait!!! Well love you all!